Friday, December 03, 2004

it was five past midnight

It was 5 past midnight, ya some of U must have guessed right, it was 5 past midnight in bhopal. and today eveen after 21 long years have been passed, we are still recovering from the scar that the union carbide has given on our face, right on our forehead. and this scar is nothing to be proud of from the point of view of any harry alive or dead.
technology has its boons but when man starts to feel the butterfly in his stomach and try to become the avataar of the technology , the concept of the man and machine mingling starts to overdrive the personified assumptions, something is there to make us realize about our faults . And this case is also a one example of man over confidence to boost his own self where he start ignoring the basic philosphies , failure theories, do improper analysis and in the end just suffer.
Not goin in full details of what went wrong, how went wrong and why went wrong, better read the book by the same name. Having new friends specially few from bhopal itself make the issue more close to you, even more closer if U got to know that one was there right at the time of this happening.
feeling the shrill and chill in the spine, so going for dine