Thursday, October 07, 2004

When Rome was Burning ???

I have heard rumours about what the Nero was exactly doing at that time. All the recci informaiton tells us that he was playing flute and singing(may be), but it seems to be feign information, after all how can one be so involved in something taht he didnt react to impulsive situations. May be music is one such thing, for me dreams are other. Why i am starting like this is due to the fire that was there in our scientist hostel.
May be the hot persuit after dinner discussions had the HESHing effect on the current electricity board(MCB relay), I am on my foot at 3:30 AM when the smoke caused my sweet dreams to be unarmour, and my senses to be in unstealth mode. Fire Brigade (thanks for the IAT facilities) it was just around the corner of our hostel.( the distance is very much similar as of between RA hostel and GH in IIT) and the whole bus with al the on duty staff was there to protect us. but why use water...never ever use water on fire caused by electricity.
now everyone is safe, zero casuality,no incapacitance, no scientist lost.... but now it was 5:30 in morning and I knew about the nature of my alarm clock which will lauch its attack at 6:00 Am so nite is lost, now day dreaming is the option lift for guys like us who faught with much needed courage in this situation.
I am also thinking of writin g something general technical stuff on indian defence systems like LCA, MBT, Pinaka, armaments and like of explosives. maybe sometime this weekend I will pen all these. expecting ppl are there to read this cool stuff as well


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