Monday, January 17, 2005

blogger's stop

back to school after the 14 days visits to different places including islands.. a unconventional orrrrisa tour which include konark, puri, bbsr and wheelers island, chandipur beaches... so first hand report of orrriasa is good
this post was goin to be a travelogue but rethought as a blunt end. the romance predictions for me this year suggest that if last year was good, this one is even better. but as my last year was full of rejections in every field of life, ppl can extrapolate for this one tooo.
got comment about my passions,, all u care about is only your DRDO and your projects,,, and nothing else... and if it is said so let it be so.. bloggin seems to be a tough call... so a big NO
may be start it after a while after settling well in hyd... neway all the readers of this blog know me pwersonaally